
What do you think about making site like

I see that has so big traffic (6.9M/m) and can earn a lot with Google Adsense.

What is the most difficult to grow those kind of sites?

Note: I won't copycat, just have an idea about another thing.

I believe the most boring things can bring most money in a stable way. Go for it!

If you need someone to pick their brain on how to build cheap & lean infrastructure that would scale to millions, the let me know.

Agreed @AutomationD ! Some ideas just too simple to believe they can earn money.

If you don't try you never going to know.

Do it 💪🏻

Honestly I'm so jealous for those devs who worked out their boilerpates and can start a new project in the matter hours...

I'm still getting there!

Yes Rod, on validation step if anyone want it before build.