
Best reminder app?


I often have tasks that need to be done but not asap. Any app recs? 

I need to:
- Set a deadline
- Snooze reminder for 30m/1d/1w/1m
- Annoying alert sound


I use Things to manage todo's with a deadline. Sometimes I put it in my calendar.

Overall, I try to avoid having tasks with deadlines 😄

I put things with a deadline in my calendar on the day I want to get them done

For everything else, I keep a backlog in Notion

I use Reminders app that comes with iOS/MacOS. Only missing feature is the annoying alert sound :D

Keep it simple, using Reminders on iOS. But it doesn't have annoying alert sound

i use the default one on macos. It syncs across all devices so I'll get the reminder on my iphone, applewatch, and macbook.

super simple

I keep it simple.
< 24 h, I use the alarm
> 24 h, I use the calendar