Jakub Juszczak
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I think it is super annoying if you sign up for a free account and it is not clear that there is a paid tier, too and then you see that you have to pay.

Say it upfront and do not annoy your users.

🙈 Damn. Should not write that late in the night.
However I also used webflow for one project.

It takes some time to get into it. However it is quite nice for landing pages. But was pretty limited back when I used it. But I think it is now way more mature. The animation stuff is pretty dope.

I've used it a time ago as a todo list, before switching to todoist.

What I loved about it:

  • Minimalistic design
  • Super clean UI
  • Subtask & nesting is awesome
  • "Just worked"

However I switched because I enjoyed the todoist cross plattform / app for everything / integration for everything methodology more.

I don't think that you get that much traction alone from it. You need more channels where you can promote your product.
But Ship is imo a great addition to this.

  • It is easy to setup
  • People can easily sign up
  • You can easily communicate with them
  • You should communicate with them! Post updates etc.

GitHub is great for public repos (open source projects).

If you want only a few private repos you can use GitLab or BitBucket.

If you got a lot of projects, I would recommend a self-hosted GitLab + GitLab CI Runner. The GitLab CI is really awesome and easy to setup.

Generally it is a nice idea, however it could be tricky, because of the security experts side.
Like you said, experienced people would not use it, because they make enough $$ in in the industry.

So you will mostly get people that are new to the field. The problem is now, that you do a "security check" but people that are not that experienced may miss vulnerabilities. So in the end you maybe pay someone to fix something and thing your site is secure but it's not.

Would be also a legal question if the security researcher may be accountable.