Well you can create videos with ffmpeg, however I don't know any lib in which you can do this programmatically.
What do you mean with creating videos? Which kind of videos?
Let's say I have some photos and I want to put them together into a video and put music over it. Just an example.
Well you can create videos with ffmpeg, however I don't know any lib in which you can do this programmatically.
If you mean css bugs here in WIP, I think you can dm @marckohlbrugge ;)
it will be really hard to sell it without a community.
I would suggest that you make a few free videos oder even free micro courses to build up a community.
And then sell the main course.
You mean programatically? After Effects / Premiere can do this.
However, ffmpeg should be fine.
What are your settings? You can set the output quality with
-qscale:v 2
The range you can set is 2-31 I think while 31 is the worst quality.
There are also a lot of plugins for ffmpeg so you can output tiffs, of jpegls for lossless jpgs
I guess the common way is gem your stuff.
However it involves a lot of work.
Git submodules could be a way to go, however I would not recommend them. Used them once and its a real pain.
Well AWS is quite nice.
If you sign up, you get 1 year for free a small EC2 instance AFAIK.
Lambda is free up to 1mio req if I remember correctly. And then also very cheap.
You can also register as a starup and get up to 1.5k $ credits for free.
So you could go full aws with the 1 year free ec2 micro instance / or the 1.5k startup credits.
It however depends how comfortable you are with AWS. Setting everything up is not that easy.
You could also get a cheap server. Digital Ocean is however quite expensive. But there are other cheaper alternatives.
You could also try a mix of free services like netlify, zeit.now