We're a group of makers shipping together. We help each other stay accountable and reach our goals.
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Overthinking. Coding too much on early stages.
Overthinking. Coding too little on early stages.
Saying yes to too many things at once.
tricking myself into thinking that:
making product > finding customers
As the Pug said: saying yes to too many things.
And not doubling down on what actually works, but rather testing too many vague ideas at once for my project.
Looking at google analytics and other metrics instead of shipping.
Doubting my ideas
👋 Join WIP to participate
Coding too much on early stages.
Coding too little on early stages.
Saying yes to too many things at once.
tricking myself into thinking that:
making product > finding customers
As the Pug said: saying yes to too many things.
And not doubling down on what actually works, but rather testing too many vague ideas at once for my project.
Looking at google analytics and other metrics instead of shipping.
Doubting my ideas