If you are on rails, you can use the whenever gem github.com/javan/whenever, it can send email for the output of the task
It was actually a surprised because like @marc I was using sendgrid too. I was kinda put off a bit at the start because they don’t have a free tier but the starting plan is not that expensive so I did try it out. I was surprised by how easy it was to integrate.
I’m using Postmarkapp for my emails and for ruby on rails it’s as easy as adding a gem (library) then adding a few lines to my configuration and that’s it. I think this would be a good baseline if you want developers to use this over the others.
I’ve built some SMTP’s in the past and I salute you for taking this problem. It’s really hard to maintain good scores for email providers to accept your emails.
Good luck on this one!
Thanks AJ! Yes, Postmark are an amazing company and have built an incredible product. Do you mind if I ask:
a) How you made/came to the decision to use them initially (if you remember?)
b) If there's anything they do / don't do that could help you?
Maintaining reputation is a challenge - in the early phases I'll be ensuring that no one is abusing our service (note that we only allow transactional email) and over the long term we'll build automated techology to help monitor and scale this out.
Thanks @marc! I actually thought of that too having a privacy toggle when you create a link, I've seen few products in PH that are focus on those. I'll put this suggestion in the pipeline.
This is nice actually! I just did this on btfy.io and got success on facebook but I failed on twitter.
Thanks AJ! It looks like Twitter is working now, want to give it another try?
For me, the big banner around cookie use is really not good for the first time visitor.