Tom Mikulin
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Santa as a DevOps engineer, deploy the reindeers
Did video stores went out of business cause people were lazy or piracy(internet)?
Started using kubernetes since 2017, and it's still awesome, people have no idea!
going on a week and a half on maintenance calories
add new placeholder for company advertising on #devopsprojectshq
Back home, can't wait to do some work and coding #devopsprojectshq
Slovenia looking nice, but nothing works after 17PM lol
Stopped at a pit stop for a cup of coffee, and see my former startup that handles vending machines
made an another free tool on #devopsprojectshq
preparing for a little vacation on the alps, will post pictures
went shopping for presents, got annoyed pretty quickly lol
add google index api for the jobs listings on the #devopsprojectshq
using chatgpt to calculate my calories, works really well