Tom Mikulin

Tom Mikulin


I'm a Dev/DevOps engineer always working on something boring....
Joined October 2023

just now when a dedicated server burst it's motherboard on Hetzner, but they fixed it when I pinged them. Good thing I run my mongodb cluster on 3 nodes

Interesting! Which projects are you using this stack for? Could you provide more information about the whole stack?

ah so someone bought them, that's usually when problems come up....

hm so render is the new kid on the block...

I guess so. After having used Heroku, AWS, Digital Ocean and then Rende, it is my preferred option.

I might switch to someting else when it becomes too costly, but that's the easiest way to get something running without managing any infra.

I'm a DevOps guy so I just use k8s cause I know it by heart now :), but for someone new those are probably better options...although k3s is also a god option...

Ah so they cancelled that? Was it long ago? Just remember them being the first choice for rails devs when they wanted to deploy something. Yeah Hetzner is probably now a more cheap solution.

Removed in 2022.…

Dokku and Kamal are great for Rails! Especially since Rails 7+ provides a Dockerfile by default.

Dokku is an open source thing based on the way Heroku used to work (git push to deploy). Kamal is an open source tool from DHH & 37 Signals, they're using it to deploy their production apps. Version 2 just came out at Rails World.

could be, but I've never met an PM who was that good in cloud and coding stuff....

yes, maybe they would be a better fit, so someone who can write about networking proxies, dns, https, sftp, haproxy, nginx, linux etc...

ah so just pinging writers directly works too? So how does the intellectual property work? Jonas, do those articles "belong" to that site or to you?

Honestly never checked, I think the content still belongs to me. If I wrote for other customers, they had all rights to it. I think they also modified it and posted it somewhere else.