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calculate monthly budgets for 2019 #life
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estimate traffic for month 1
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figure out necessary traffic target for overall goals (200/day) #learnwhileyoupoop
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set monthly goals #ekh
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Create a road map for 2020 goals #bestow #jukebox #giftclub
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goals for feb 2019
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complete forecast for the year, the intention is to set targets for subscriber growth #sunday
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start working on monthly goals #nosugartoday
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Compile monthly metrics
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review the goals i set at the beginning of the month and try to make a push to finish them now that I hit traffic goals #starterstory
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Create monthly progress report of #quickcode
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set goals for next month #cardmapr
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#email Add monthly usage tracker.
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add monthly revenue breakdown #bootstrapmoney
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update monthly revenue chart
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review monthly goal, 90 day goals, year end goals #downpayment
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Compute last month growth metrics #jomo
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monthly goals Feb
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Grow traffic and surpass competition #roomai
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reach goal of 5K pageviews in one month #financialtoolbelt
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