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🚀 launched Celery and Celery Beat to run #concord on my Docker box
backend tasks #threader
backend tasks #threader
📕 more Celery research for Django deployment project #mylife
🐘 more testing on Django Deploy and refactoring of the celery code #mylife
use sidekiq for async processing. #wip
AI task manager
troubleshooted a client's celery server setup. 10 million record deletes later things are hopping again #revsys
Figured out that django-cookiecutter made celery run eager omg took 3 days #shaunlol
Improve celery worker memory usage #airbot
Celery task calling talk-generator #shaunlol
tasks job admin #fullstackjob
Custom task manager on #niftymacapps
celery tasks for notification distribution. #hyfm
Move task management stuffs to Asana
added dummy celery worker #leadstracker
🤷 upgrade cjs-task