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Reduced operating costs for #deepmeditate by $2410/mo = $28,920/year.
fix hosting issues after $76 hosting fees #alertbnb
clean up hosting #business
clean up hosting #business
Decrease server cost from $237/mo to $80/mo by moving from Heroku to Render #wip
reducing GCP cost for a client
fixed #killspam digital ocean bot, reduced VM size from $40/mo to $21/mo, seems to have no effect
create hosting #smartypantsbot
Cut down costs of cloud servers not in use/slash old projects #random
Downgrade hosting plan
manage to drastically reduce clients' bandwith from 40 GB/day to 6 GB/day and divert a 15k$/year webflow enterprise #freelance
cancel managedwphosting #web
Configure hosting #brandtools
look at hosting plans #fajarsiddiq
evaluated hosting and domains
get cheap (free(?)) static hosting for landing #sooon
#inweed choose hosting solution