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book speaking gig at private wordpress meetup
#me 🎉 created first WordPress Gutenberg block
looked through gutenberg stuff and tested some blocks #wp
tested some blocks for gutenberg
reading news about wordpress drama, incredible!… #leifinlavida
Talked a.friwnd and colleague for a website and played around with a new WordPress 🙈 stack = about 60 % done #jodaworks
migrated to wordpress #harderchoices
Went to designer meetup and talked to real people #life
go to fullstack meetup
write article on transforming wordpress to markdown #blog2
London meetup #lifeee
write doc about Wordpress connector #satellitor
planning for presentation for WordCamp #wp
Wordpress website #fajarsiddiq
Installed wordpress #bgit
switch personal website from jekyll to gutenberg
Preparing WordCamp Granada presentation to talk about #niusleters