Similar todos
fix EXIF orientation if wrong in JPG #interiorai
#filepond fix image preview JPEG orientation
#pintura [next] correctly apply exif orientation when loading image
#filepond image exif orientation plugin
#pintura add option to disable exif orientation correction
fix iPhone image upload EXIF orientation issues and all the code online about it is wrong #interiorai
#filepond fix issue with image transform plugin not being able to deal with tiff images
#pintura write exif orientation reader
test exif orientation with all possible rotations #interiorai
#pintura add option to restore original JPEG image head when outputting files, will strip orientation information
#filepond image editor fix incorrect image transform when image is flipped
#filepond fix image exif orientation issue on Chrome 81 and iOS Safari 13.4
#filepond fix image-preview plugin image orientation bug
#pintura fix problem with horizontal and vertical flip direction when image was rotated 180deg or more
#sheet2site fix image “jpeg” format
Fix some PNG images starting their EXIF metadata chunk with multiple \u0000 characters instead of just one #prompthero
#pintura fix problem with thumbnails being skewed