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create system to track habits
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Users can now add habits #habitsapp
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Add a habits collection #metamas
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Add in HabitsGarden affiliation #bookmate
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add individual habit levels tracking #habigotchi
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enable deleting & adding habits #habigotchi
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add individual habits progress tracking #habigotchi
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add individual habits progress tracking #habigotchi
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add new habit button to header #habitcop
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check #life
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change >
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started new routine: 5-habits tracker via #health
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bypass security policies on iframes to embed habitica daily habits in roam
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add descriptions to habits and tools sections #habbbits
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Deployed personal habit tracker
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habit challenge #survivor
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Enable habits logging #habigotchi
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Research existing habit tracking apps #habigotchi
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Build private habit-tracker for a new browser page #life
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1197 habits created on #habitscafe
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