Similar todos
basic layout for collection page #workpanel
make collection view layout fast enough it can load and show ~1k entries with ease (actually, scroll & resizing is still VERY smooth even at 10k entries loaded) #blip
Figure out the bottleneck of collection view #mumu
Figure out scrolling on collection view #mumu
first draft at custom collection view layout; surprisingly speedy for being the first attempt #blip
weird viewcontablecollectioner
permalink for collection list view #tba
extend collectionview to resize items without having to remove and add new view entirely #blip
Create a design for 'Collection' #quickcode
Add collections layout #metamas
find out how to create fucking collectionViewItem and connect it to collectionView #taggy
about page: collections #tba
read up on nuxt.js #bootstrapmoney
Reading with a view #life
fix scroll position of collection view not being correct when re-focusing inline editor #blip
#code understand how routs, contoller, views works