Similar todos
Create DMG for #netalert
figure out how to sign dmg again
correctly staple release dmg in script #blip
get fastlane tools to archive, build app, build dmg, build pretty dmg using dmgcanvas and sign it all
change zip to dmg on gumroad #earsafe
help maker install macOS #fajarsiddiq
format macbook #life
generate mac os app icons
create a basic macOS icon template #airflo
#macbookalarm fix chrome error when downloading zip with .app -> use dmg instead
install MacOS Mojave #life
create images for Mac App Store #menubar
Make first MacOS version of #checkyourlist
format macbook and reinstall macos #life
help maker to reformat mac #fajarsiddiq
update macOS #fajarsiddiq
update macOS #fajarsiddiq
try basic notarization and check in VM if it works (no .DMG yet) #blip
Update MacOS