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outline serverless workshop #serverlessreact
which serverless video #serverlessreact
test serverless database #life
read up 1/4 of serverless tech for #smuggersclub
Setup up AWS Lambda for writing Alexa Skill
Learn how to deploy using AWS v Heroku #orchetta
Setup .env properly for Serverless #lessonsofhn
Set up serverless part for uploading #tonebuilder
set up API endpoints with serverless framework #caravi
Use AWS lambda to create an http API to receive feedback from withing the app #trici
use cloud func playground in every serverless exercise #serverlessreact
Experiement using AWS Amplify datastore #checkyourlist
video 5 serverless workshop #serverlessreact
add UI integration exercise to serverless workshop #serverlessreact
Digging into serverless functions by Vercel #backlogs
play with aws cli, s3 and lambdas #lab
create a hello world app with static data and an EC2 instance #whatshoppin
Submit AWS Activate application