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Work at boring day #job to cover expenses I make during fun part of life.
send email about small audit gig because i need to pay the bills and the mortgage
Boring work, gotta pay the bills ya know 😒
fix billing stuff #spectropic
legal, invoicing & catching up to emails #consultingfreelance
boring financial/orga stuff #naii
ship work stuff
finished a day of coding on a new product and some #djangocon paperwork
Did some bookkeeping, part 2/828974835 🥲🔫 #chores
a bunch of accounting stuff
completed weekly review - added in "shipping" stuff
accounting stuff i been putting off #cspray
Boring work... paying the bills... 😪
Did some bookkeeping, part 3/828974835 🥲🔫 #chores
daily job (got a bit tired today, working on making proper working schedule to have more time for side projects)
Did some bookkeeping, part 1/828974835 🥲🔫 #chores
some freelance stuff meh