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add notification setting to chatbot edit view #botreach
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add notification settings #wip
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Check notification from chats #resultjam
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create notification model #financialtoolbelt
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Create "notification" when you receive a direct message #wip ( still tweaking this so you don't get bombarded with notifications when having a chat )
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#pn setup simple api to send notice to a specific chat id
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Implement notification system in #repairalert.
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init #hapramp notifications
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spawn notification when users use /long and /short in group chats #kornwolf
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#td add for notification delivery (registered user, crawler issues, server status)
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resolve @username style chat IDs from config (via Telegram API) #kornwolf
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small discord server for notifications #lab
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add notifications #discove
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add notifications #appointmentsuite
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add notifications #wip
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add notifications #readersdiary
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allow for TelegramNotification creators that take something more generic than UserEvent #kornwolf
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Add notification settings #wip
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Work on notification settings #nomeattoday
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add notifications to #makerwidget
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