Similar todos
fix keyup event handler on esc edit #userchat
Sort out mousedown event not firing on child elements
#me ⚡ add debounced macro expansion to keydown in WIP desktop composer
Show panel on key-down (like Alfred) not on keyUp — feels bit faster this way #blip
#five finish keyboard interaction
improve performance checking if element on mousemove changed #cssscan
Fine-tune dropdown keyboard navigation #crisp
enable enter button support on input #launchtests
fix block dropdown where pointer-event prevented click #otter
Add code for clicking key to open modal #creativity
fix onclick event #business
hovering tooltips for buttons on #wrish
Make modal tweaks and finalize so there's something decent on keypress #creativity
#inweed hide tooltip on mobile
Hack with JS mouse events to find cool interactions for #crisp
#notes Build component to record key combinations
#allplay refine transition to keyboard/add mode