Similar todos
1.0 (Upcoming version): Upvoting items works, without any user being able to upvote twice #securedfyi
build upvoting system #shouldimakethis
Disable self upvoting #makerstories
limit to one vote per user and exlude author #thinkcap
add user voting #colourhunt
upvote functionality #builtbyher
limit number of followers/upvoters shown #wip
allow only one vote user voter per idea #thinkcap
prevent duplicates votes #wip
added a unique userid to prevent double voting #promptmize
change upvote/downvote to save feature #archmaps
improve upvoting UX by using ajax #wip
upvote a post functionality
Beta (Upcoming version): Authorization required to upvote an item #securedfyi
Beta (Upcoming version): Authorization required to undo item upvote #securedfyi