Similar todos
#untalent Optimize queries to the database
Optimize page loading and API requests #starterpacks
Research optimizing API speed #fashn
Automatically connect fields with live API data #edgar
Optimize home page landing queries #epihu
Optimise Twitter API usage by implementing caching
Reduce SQL queries on initial app load for #booklet
analyze analytics for live features #tripdojo
add caching to avoid tons of API requests #searchtoplay
update search engine to fit with new data model #demtovideo
Try to simplify real-time table updates #notionmailer
improve db query response time #clippulse
Simplify and speed up almost every single database query by moving the visibility filtering logic (hide expired posts, hide all posts from hidden companies, etc) into a cached boolean column (`active`) that's updated hourly #startupjobs
Optimized DB #ismovielikebook
optimize db queries
better filter options for tables