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Make a short animation for the first time in years 😅
make first video #reactd32018
make first video #p4p
recorded and uploaded my first YT Short!…
shoot short intro movie
edited short video #matosdfm
Seeing this for the first time 🥺
super cool tracking walking interview shoot #helpjournalism
Make first version video for #emailverifier
recorded first video #makermindset
shoot my first roll of film #life
make the first #learnwhileyoupoop video live
Outline first video #personal
Post short to YouTube to promote short film that I made
make short video for social #serverlesshandbook
Flow and timeline for first video tutorial created #personal
Film two little promo reels for next week's single release and try to have a bit of fun (growing on social is not a big focus but nice if it happened organically!) #fauxmusicmanager
Posted first youtube video #matosdfm