Similar todos
deployed bot 👿 👿 👿
first deployment #groupsandchannels
updated and updated three projects that are mostly bots I use to do other things. they are refreshed with a standardized deployment setup now which makes them easier to maintain #servers
🚀 deployed a few #djangopackages updates
#thecompaniesapi db refresh done ; already 80k new companies from last version! redeployed the bot infra using CF ssh tunnels ; continuing on landing page
- do the rest of the wipbot updates for sept #maintenance
First deployment #tallymy
fix a couple of small issues and prepare for deployment #spectate
work on deployment again #wandlimb
fixed 3 bugs after a deployment. oopsie #support
Continue deployment ops #gymbro
Fix deployment mistakes & bugs #jovial
setting up deployments #blinkloader
Prepare for next Deployment #quicklogging
fix deployment #photoroute