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Get to know the main contact person for the next freelance project and discuss strategy #jodaworks
Work on new freelance project
Did a call with a deep-learning freelancer on Upwork. #rhymecraft
Meeting with fellow freelancer to exchange knowledge
Talk to freelancer about the frontend design #remoteleaf
Had a great meeting for a possible new project #pl
call about freelance project
Meet with client #freelancing
Later in the day contact friend asking how to get started with freelancing
followup with client about potential project
call with potential freelance client
found freelancer for #kodapp
send offer to potential freelance client
Arrange meeting to discuss potential new project
got some advice and feedback from local freelancers #consulting
had a 30m call with a person from upwork - the person sounds very professional, so gonna give him that gig. Was nervous since it's my first video call for outsourced work - but then I believe the communication is a lot better than just going through written messages
send proposal to freelancing lead
responded to information request for new potential project #ekh
Inquire about a few freelance projects #dev