Similar todos
Added download chart as image using dom-to-image -… #githubchartremixer #commit365
Made personal Github chart tool to generate my own commit charts with my own level settings, because I hate that a single high contribution day skews the shading algo and everything becomes pale green.. and loses info density -… #githubchartremixer #commit365
Added chart explanations #useattractor
add proper tooltips to #openstartups chart
Add useful info to tooltips on the graphs #simpleanalytics
Add custom tooltips to graphs #givewithella
fix graph tooltip #coinfolix
added tool tips for buttons #workpanel
debugged a line a chart #sustinero
extra data for charts #remotelist
Add mouse tracking tooltips on charts #saasco
added growth labels to each chart #newsletterscan
better tooltips #pixelfika
fix chartjs annotations #keylogs
Fix abbreviated number bug on graph tooltips #givewithella
Added bottom text indicator per cell in charts, unified colors #progrs
add tooltips to better understand user-badges #support
added some css to the chartjs code #sponsorgap
Fix a chart display bug #useattractor