Similar todos
play around GPT-3 API app + build image generator UI
generate a dynamic OG Image for every tool #openalternative
working imgmaker to create some templates for automating social media image creation #mylife
create lots of ai generated images
create images for sizing help page
make images for the app store #mindwave
build #filepond image resize plugin
create app store images #rewardsflights
generate images for new blog post #japandev
let users (re-)generate images across their whole wordpress instance #placid
add /gen command to wipbot so everybody can easily generate AI art #wip (max 3 images per hour, and 10 per day to keep costs down)
-Updated model used on to GPTo mini from GPT3.5 turbo.
- Working on stripe integration for new sass.
wrote a few TailwindCSS templates which work well with imgmaker. Good tool for generating your own social media images quickly #mylife
Upgrade #postcard opengraph images to generate a dynamic image server-side
Implement authenticated image generation API endpoint #easel