Similar todos
Add Summaries with AI #amlopedia
🤖 more AI writing project
Add 26 more supported languages to AI summaries #gistreader
🤖 Finally remembered the address (been looking for weeks) and made a quick Agent to pull in remote pages. #research
Publish two new AI news summaries #diagram
🤖 worked on some local system automation to manage/update my 450+ projects
🤖 Wrote an agent to summarize content into one sentence #research
🤖 Pre-ordered a NVIDIA Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit to work on some summarization #mylife
🤖 lots of AI research last night including writing a functional story bot to wrap my head around how to apply step-by-step logic and get something meaningful out of llama2 #research
🤖 added more meta options to my code writing robot. #mylife
worked on a few AI projects tonight #research
Improved Trending page to display AI summary #ledgerpost
Tweak Data Science Jobs API fetcher to add new field "summary" #jobboardsearch
Added a couple more help content for BoltAI #boltai
Discover AI tool needed to speed up new project
added new and first AI project to wip #freshbiteai
🤖 created a slackbot demo to try out a few ideas with #bots
🤖 cleaned up a few automation projects and outsourced auth to GitHub Auth
🤖 worked on my #research project and use Claude's project + artifacts to help reactor and add a bunch of new features to it.