Similar todos
add visa information for all routes, now only based on departure country as passport country #yelmair
add visa free country search #visarun
added information on COVID test requirement for each country #remoteworkvisas
add more countries #nomoda
added little pop up modals to explain work requirements for visas #remoteworkvisas
improved visa page for countries #remoteworkvisas
added for each country page a pop up to take over the whole visa process for users #remoteworkvisas
sign more visa stuff
discuss visa stuffs #fajarsiddiq
addded subpage "visa news" to #remoteworkvisas so ppl can get news and articles about latest visa initiatives
added hungary digital nomad visa to #remoteworkvisas
Define list of countries that are supported for visa policy #travelassistant
adding countries to trip #photoroute
Go through visa stuff #lifeee
added digital nomad visa greece and smart visa thailand to #remoteworkvisas
#applicantai add restrict / allowed countries…
added sri lanka digital nomad visa to #remoteworkvisas