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Made more changes to the extension because Google has no sense of humor. I keep getting rejected for the most minor things. At least they're thorough.
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More changes to the extension code to appease the overlords, Google. They did actually find one good mistake but holy crap, their communication is so bad.
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Another day, another round of Google extension rejection changes. I think I'm almost there. 🤞
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Made more changes for Google for the extension. It's been round after round with them. 😫
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I never want to build on a Google product EVER again. 🙅‍♂️ Everyday I have to make changes to appease them for my extension, that uses their API. They have me recording videos. Adding statements to the privacy policy. Rebranding! The entire thing. Ridiculous.
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Resubmitted my extension for Google to review. 🤞
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I recorded another video for Google as I fight to get my extension's Gmail API access approved. I wish I could just get on a Zoom with a real human. I hate their bizarre Corporate dehumanizing responses. Plus, they're slow as fuck.
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Got Google analytics working on the extension #jovial
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Dispute and investigate the status of the rejected google extension application
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Emailed Google, begging them for a clear response to what their problem is with my extension's API access. I doubt they'll respond without more links to docs and vague corporate speech.... Stay far away from this company if you can. Don't use their API, cloud services, etc. Avoid at all cost.
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Finishing up the *last* bits of work on my extension. It's been months of slow work on this thing. So excited to launch. Gmail extensions are such a pain.
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I really think Google is trying to prevent me from releasing my Gmail tool. I've spent MONTHS working on this thing. They keep denying access to the Gmail API. Any ideas how to get this approved?
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fixed Google auth bug that was absolutely killing me #wfhland
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Working on the extension backend Google App application. 🤞
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test the google extension uploading process
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still waiting for the god.damn chrome store to review my exntesion either reject it or approve it gosh 😱
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Trying to figure out why Google hates me now after 10 years (probably HCU, but holding out hope that it's not) #stackabuse
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More bug squashing for the extension. Got stuck on a few weird things. 😵‍💫
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Resubmit Chrome extension: rejection 2 #aware
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Playing with the new #jsonify chrome extension!
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