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started turning my notion product into a webapp - to allow for updating the descriptions after customers have started with their backlink work and to allow more sorting/filtering capabilities
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adding auth to my SEO Kickstarter app. Srsly: auth is still the most broken thing on web dev 🤯️️️️️️
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work on frontend of new app #indie
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Started to built out the frontend #redacted
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Launching SEO Kickstarter on producthunt… #backlio
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working on my SEO stuff
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work on web version for seo boost #rewardsflights
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Work on the #eventbot webapp
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Started preparing #cattabu for SEO and added a first SEO landing page
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#inpilot the transition to /app router is going ok... I'm starting with the website and once that's done (pretty easy, just copying components) I'll look into auth and everything else. I'll probably rebuild most of the webapp cuz it's bad lol
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#inpilot the transition to /app router is going ok... I'm starting with the website and once that's done (pretty easy, just copying components) I'll look into auth and everything else. I'll probably rebuild most of the webapp cuz it's bad lol
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Start designing the #coffeeclub web app
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working on SEO #devopsprojectshq
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SEO Kickstarter web version: you can now say whith backlinks you reached out to, which you got accepted and see how long you waited etc.
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again working on SEO for #devopsprojectshq
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prepared SEO Kickstarter update mail - this time with a CSV file you can merge into your notion page - gonna send out in the next 2h #seokickstarter
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putting my SEO knowledge to work #devopsprojectshq
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working on SEO and related non tech stuff for #fullstackjob
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starting to code front end #wpcheckr
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Work on web app #eventbot
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