Coffee Club

Coffee Club


Share manual coffee brewing experiences with your community.
Post the #coffeeclub Colombia Cupping event stories to Instagram
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Post the #coffeeclub Colombia Cupping event post to Instagram
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Finish designing the #coffeeclub Colombia Cupping Instagram carousel post
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Explore variations of the first slide design for the #coffeeclub Colombia Cupping Instagram post.
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Start designing slides for the #coffeeclub Colombia Cupping Instagram post.
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Purchase bowls, spoons, and cups for the #coffeeclub Colombia Cupping event
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Create and post a #coffeeclub cupping event Instagram story
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Had the first 2024 meeting with the #coffeeclub partnerships lead :)
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Reach 100 sign ups for #coffeeclub
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Try the "Coffee Club" cocktail (it was awesome) #coffeeclub
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Send out emails to shops + roasters that #coffeeclub would like to partner with
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Instagram story designs for a local event featuring a #coffeeclub cocktail 👀
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Commit some component and icon updates to the #coffeeclub product
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Start exploring what viewing a #coffeeclub recipe would look like from a post in the feed
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Take a second pass at the #coffeeclub brewing recipe creation UI after getting feedback
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Design interactions for adding a brewing recipe to a #coffeeclub post
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Create a #coffeeclub Google Workspace account
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Get the #coffeeclub team space setup in Notion
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Set up Dropbox account to store #coffeeclub assets
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Create a #coffeeclub team Discord server
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