Similar todos
Used chatgpt to generate starter code for a personal website #100daysofcode
create super basic new site
spin up new client site #consulting
set up personal site skeleton on GH
set up gatsby for personal site
plug website on Quora
Work on curious innovator site #growth
Make Temporary Website for PNPM (…)
set up github pages site #makerweekly
Make a quick website for Pinocchio paradox
Finish my initial test of self-hosted PaaS solutions and post about it on X:…
Next up: moving #unblockdomains to Dokku as a test and blogging about it !private
got my personal website (, just an index.html) working on a new $4/mo DO droplet that I intend to move everything over to while switching backends from Python to Go, nginx is way easier than Apache so far. Switched my personal site to use GitHub version control.
Make a super basic site for qnzl
get gatsby bare bones site up and running #tinyfeedback
use github as host #swakemudi
set up gatsby for #lightbox site
#kaching Server suuuuuper basic site on until I finish the prototype later today