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📺 more #djangotv work trying to get urls to look right before I start importing all of my data
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🎨 cleaned up the places layout and added a much better template #lfk
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🎨 cleaned up jobs html templates a bit. It still needs work but it's in a better state for now
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🎨 Updates layout and Django 5.0 books for #djangobooks
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more #djangotv work and getting data collected
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🎨 ported running website's layouts to tailwind and even 30% done looks 1000% better
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Styling layouts a bit more appropriately for 16:9 ratios for templates 5, 6 and gosh I really hope I'm done soon #books
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🎨 finally get around to styling/working on company pages #jobs
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working on layout #boardengine
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🎨 Fixed a few layout issues and approved several #jobs
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🎨 trying to get a Tailwind UI layout integrated with the deploy django project #mylife
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🎨 updated several project templates using djhtml #mylife
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🔨 Finished the youtube import api calls #djangotv
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finishing some layout and styling!!!!!!! omg. streaming live
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🎨 finished layout tool for generating nice opengraph images
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work on layout stuff #dpj
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Front page layout finished #usethekeyboard
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🎨 more layout fixes for #jobs and learning how to really optimize Tailwind CSS layouts without divitisis.
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kicked out a new theme for #awesomedjango over lunch -
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streaming #allbird development Doing some last layout before i dive into data gathering.
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