Similar todos
Bought domain names and shipped an MVP at #pingnow
Deployed website. Created new Stripe account and plans. Posted 8 long blog articles, 7 more to go. Waiting for @kintulabs to copy the content ideas to 🕺 #droneservices
Doing something scary. Going to buy the domain at once (was leasing before). Wish me luck #boltai
More website migrations #hostingwalk
Migrated to hosting. This thing is faaaaaaaaast. #personal
I've been shipping like crazy / but so frantic - I haven't remembered to post!
Got all the initial modules/workshops transferred over to the temp… experiment. Getting organic signups! Hooked up some tricky little connectors so those people can access the associated material from the PE site. Did some interviews. Set up an ad campaign. Made a ton of new content. #pe Lets go. I'm excited to get back to "Added clear feature" mode at some point.
Paid in full for First time spent more than $1k on a domain name 😭 #life
deployed #sponsorgap to heroku and connected it to namecheap - is live and under heavy construction
upgraded #dealsourcr to use Stripe Billing Portal and Checkout, merged into master, now deploying. Lot of money on the line 😬😬😬
bought new domain for sg/my startup project #fajarsiddiq
migrated a ton of sites
bought new domain #fajarsiddiq
📝 created a spreadsheet over lunch of my *way too many* domain names and catalogued which registrars, services, CDNs, etc they are all using. Starting to focus on converting the unused domains to something helpful so each one pays for themselves. I'm putting them to work. #research
Bought the domain. #qhp
Deployed my wife's new website #life
Purchased #techleadbook domain.
💼 client work: deploy newly revamped website #tauron
#dea Shipped a new Astro blog to make the content team happy ( And broke a bunch of stuff moving the app to a new subdomain.