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Watched someone onboard the extension and saw a lot of small bugs and weird issues. Very helpful. I can't wait to have calls with customers one day.
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Amazingly insightful customer walkthru today for #cpaconnect to help them streamline their project flows.
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🛠 brainstorm with @zooma on #pathwar UX
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Finished UX designer tutorial video for a friend
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Watched the 'Initial walkthrough video' Steven prepared to explain how the app should work in more detail (going through his Balsamiq mock-ups). #cleanexam
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User UX interview #mapmelon
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Watched a part of a UI course to spice up my knowlegde
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Spent several hours going over the material Steven (co-founder) prepared for me to try to figure out what the UI should look like as we add functionality. Arrived at this layout: #cleanexam
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Done a lot of UX research for new #tookapic
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Improved UX/UI based on learnings from redoing onboarding #scope #versoly
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Define user flow and mapping her journey #clientwork
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UI/UX consultation
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Just spent some time thinking about the UI. #rhymecraft
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meet with UX friend #kornwolf #nils
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Watching youtube videos about UI/UX
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worked on an updated UI #fashion (my first ever todo)
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Working on user flows :) #kalm
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Spent some time noodling on updated #jsonify UI -- I quite like this flow, though it's still a WIP. As ever, the issue is making it understandable for 'simple' uses, while still letting the power users do their thing.
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Watch/read UX/design video & article. #jovial
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Create some really cool UX process for #processto
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