Similar todos
Watch 30 minutes of video about UI and UX
Watch/read UX/design video & article.
Watched a part of a UI course to spice up my knowlegde
⚪️ Watch all YouTube videos by SapiensUX #designdiaries
Ordered UI/UX course: #growth
Watch "UI Libraries Are Dying" video by t3dotgg #life
Finished UX designer tutorial video for a friend
improve ui/ux #daddytuner
improve ui/ux #daddytuner
Lots of UX improvements based on live YT video…
UI/UX consultation
learning UX Design basic
reading about UX principles #smartproduktion
🔴 Create design system for a video youtube #designavecjuuu
Met friend who will help me produce some cool videos on UI Design for Twitter and made a plan