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Show progress of workouts done #bicepsio
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Add average heart rate to history view on end workout #beep
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add weighted exercises #fitloop
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add weighted exercises #fitloop
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Wrote a script to track % of fat & muscle changes per week, because I can't make sense of the metrics shown on any app #life
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Improved today workout insight view with distance #progrs
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Show chart for weight progress #getfitbot
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add most workouts logged on page 💪 #fitloop
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added average exercise time into insights #fightie
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add individual habits progress tracking #habigotchi
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add individual habits progress tracking #habigotchi
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complete weights workout #lyfe
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#sontosun weekly track progress
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create fitness progress graphs #life
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Added the first feature which is to track your kiddos weight
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Add goal line to workout bar chart #gymbro
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Saving workouts and added mobile view for new CrossFit project I am working on with some other CrossFitter friends!
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#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Add id to each workout week for reliable sorting.
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Work on weight display logic
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added usage tracker #hookeepr
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