Similar todos
This month of September, I'm proud of what I have accomplished. Excited to build on these achievements next month! 🌟 #designdiaries #designavecjuuu #thecookingquest
#life July Results / August New Goals
planning next month goals #survivor
Do a monthly review for July, setup August goals
Planning for next months
Planning for the month of July #personal
That's a start. We'll see what next month holds! #melies
Completed planning the todo for next month #selftalking
Figure out next month's project
Prepare for the next month's plan.
Day 943 - August 2023 goals -… #lifelog
Reviewed 90 day goals, 1 month goals, how I did last week, and created new for this week and today #sharpeningthesaw
Writing up month plan #theportal
📆 update #berty roadmap for next month
OK i'm back! Today, my goals is to code 8 hours and 20 minutes. It's a preparation for next month, in August I want to reach 200 hours in WakaTime. That would be a record (Currently my record is about 160 hours in a month). Let's do it!