use new metal+glass aeropress. No more plastic! #life
it's the little things #life
Espresso Tonic is my new summer drink #life
Catch up on admin #life
Finish reading “Unreasonable Hospitality”. Surprisingly good. #life
Spend 4 hours in Cleveland for a family party #life
move into new apartment #life
Have a GPTini with OpenAI #life
Go to NY Tech Week events #life
Pack for move across town #life
Write at cafe #life
Go flower shopping #life
Take dog to office #life
Publish monthly update #life…
Arrive in London #life
Arrive in Copenhagen #life
Hike in Oslo, then sauna and jump in the fjord #life
Board flight for Oslo #life
Neighborhood quieter than normal due to bridge shutdown #life
Submit OpenAI preparedness challenge for fun #life