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add mouscle group chips for each exercise in an ongoing workout #gymbro
get multi exercise groups working for #fitloop routine maker
Add chips/mouscle groups in planned exercises #gymbro
fix the exercise distribution chart so that when users click on a moscule group a drill down view with the separate body parts distribution #gymbro
Add mouscle group chips for each one of the workout template tiles #gymbro
Plan out workouts for better definition
make new exercise plan #life
Add mouscle group chips to the rest of the tiles displaying recent wokrout data #gymbro
Unify styling for mouscle groups across tiles where that info appears (including pie chart) #gymbro
make fullbody workout program #gym
add individual movements #movewell
#weburn New Workouts: Create a new upper body workout.
full body workout #yamlife
full body workout #thirtydays
add weighted exercises #fitloop