Similar todos
improving elastic search mappings #thecompaniesapi
Fix keyword types in Elastic #life
convert comparison tool to read from new elastic search setup #prototypr
add basic algolia search prototype #wip
Reduced my Elasticsearch deployment's size to halve its cost #iteisa
Fix Algolia search #clinicgeek
implement algolia search #bktm
Optimized Elasticsearch indices and reduced cluster size to contain costs #bocantabria
improve sort + filter features #japandev
Complete solr search index re-factor. #netlandish
#nowelizator incresease regexp granularity during parsing process
improved search algo on #cryptojobslist
#pintura replace algolia docsearch with lunr
setup algolia for search
improve fuzzy search on #linefm to match things like "or:la"
add cms to elastic search so it’s easy to add new tools #prototypr