Similar todos
add company logos, more copy to explain benefits #rocketships
Add 4 more "as featured on" logos #scoredetect
add more upsell, more FUD, better messages, better arrangement #upgradeyourphp
make the upsell stand out a little better #upgradeyourphp
added logos to sponsor table on landing page #sponsorgap
Working on the logo #curated
prepare credits code and improve upsell texts #linqmeup
Amazed by @yael work on the company logo beautifier #thecompaniesapi
Working on logo #curated
added little ad for #sportstechjobs premium on tha landing page
added work to website
Simple logo, products page layout, naming, bit of copy. #forge
wrote more better to render the company logo. #cyberjobs
Made extra logo for client #pl
Add 2x logo image #oneclicktest
progress with #cryptoboard logo