Similar todos
added advertise page for #sportstechjobs
add advertise on about page #starterstory
Added main landing page #papertrail
added ad here disclaimer on front page #sportstechjobs
added little swoop to #sponsorgap landing page
add thankyou page for landing after trial subscription
Add PRO features to landing page #pixelchallenge
add free sample landing page
added screenshot to landing page #coderunnerpro
added blured charts to landing page to get user to buy pro version #newsletterscan
added most sections for landing page #homestretch
add ad buying pages to about page #codewithhugo
add proper design and landing page to #extbuilder
more landing page improvments #audiogest
add offer countdown to landing page #cssscan
added ads to #infinitestories
add some more how it works to landing page #customthumb