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Updated "20% complete" to "99% complete" because that's what Windows do. Updated ogimage and footer -… #indiejourney
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Made a meme project about ICQ on a whim! Missed the spinning flower and the uh oh, so made this - #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit #jasonleowdotcom
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Realised personal website isn't responsive so added viewport meta tag. Added status tags to mobile. #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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Posted about freelancing on Mastodon ( and Bluesky (…) #indiejourney
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Decided to f it and just deploy the rough version first. Will add domain later, and task logs to come - #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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Not went this viral in a loooong time -… #indiejourney
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Added Open Sans font for iOS/Mac devices. Added media query for extra wide screens. -… #indiejourney
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make quick-and-dirty landing page "Watch me build #voiceoversdream in public" with reference to (
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Created a fun indie hacking meme #life
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Added count up and period loader animations to give user hope and frustrate them even more 😈 -… #indiejourney
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Just joined Bluesky, could be another backup to Twitter -… #indiejourney
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Made a website from scratch in two hours and did a recording of my techniques and progress: (1)… (2)…
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[Satire:] Made a new free & open source repo on Github to help indie hackers succeed. Only 1 Javascript function needed 😂 -… #indiejourney
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Bought Twitter Blue #indiejourney
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Transferred from Cloudflare to Netlify, and redirected to #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
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I built this fun little website about our indie quest to freedom
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Repurposed my best replies from the past week into scheduled tweets Jason's indie solopreneur journey #indiejourney
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i made in 3 days, not sure if anyone will like it but i had a lot of fun practicing front-end things. hope u like it!
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#indiehacker Prepared Retrospective of my first FAIL for #justcryptobar - link: faint-crayfish-f1e.notion.sit…
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