Similar todos
added work to website
updated personal website with backlinks to projects
Added a few links to the list of content to write about #goodmonday
added a bunch of SEO pages for #devopsprojectshq
added a dozen or so new links to #djangonews
Added more features to personal site & tasklog - URL links to projects, different colored states, hover classes, click through to project pages, more projects, if-else for years #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom
new marketing site build: reordered sections for better logical flow, added CTA after Benefits section, titled Steps as How It Works, added integrations logo cloud. And learned a whole lot of TailwindCSS in the process. #scanjer
add projects to site, #allplay
Felt too flu-ed out today to get much done, but added some style tweaks at least! I think next step is to just fork it and build the site I need for ketolistsingapore, keyboardsg and add more features to the boilerplate based on real world execution rather than dreaming up feature I need in the boilerplate in abstract #listskit
Add a bunch of quality of life features while I rebuild the marketing site based on dog fooding
Launched the tools website: (@levelsio might like the "Passenger Load Normalizer")
started little seo/marketing experiment and added new subpages to rank for certain keywords #sportstechjobs and wrote tweet about it…
Working on my new link in bio site
add projects i've helped build to personal site
add some more SEO pages on #devopsprojectshq and waiting for it to kick in :)
Added some #djangonews content
getting more websites inspiration
👻 Built some links for #solofounder SEO
Worked on the site a bit. #rhymecraft
Followed @bresslertweets tweet (…), created free site on Google Sites for free DR 94 backlink -… #pluginsforcarrd