Scanjer / Maynuu
Scanjer / Maynuu
Scanjer is how you create your own branded store, using plug and play technology. Complete with QR ordering, reservations, delivery, and customer loyalty.
merchant settlements #scanjer
publish blog post about holiday catering #scanjer
merchant settlements #scanjer
settle party trays delivery for today, on merchant's behalf #scanjer
merchant support - help add banner and bundle deals #scanjer
new merchant training #scanjer
explore Journalist AI for #scanjer blog articles
help merchant manually book logistics bc 3PL APIs are borked #scanjer
merchant settlements #scanjer
help merchant with DNS setup #scanjer
check landing page against Julian guide #scanjer
merchant settlements #scanjer
set up ordering site for new merchant #scanjer
help merchant update ordering site for Xmas #scanjer
help merchant update ordering site for Xmas #scanjer
meet and onboard new merchant - an old skool liquor store! #scanjer
publish new blog post. research took a very long time because stats heavy #scanjer
merchant settlements #scanjer
merchant support #scanjer
merchant support #scanjer