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Mark notifications as read #auralite
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mark notifications as read #barttar
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Add notifications page for #indielog user can mark one as read or mark all ✌️
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When viewing notifications, mark them all as read in a single SQL query rather than doing them each individually #wip
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fix read/unread toggles for full notifications page and mass edit
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Work on the notification page #request
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init #hapramp notifications
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new notification page #indielog
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make notifications from db system so that notifications aren't based on cookies and don't re-appear #nomads
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Create page for notifications #request
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#circle add notifications to forms
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added read section for notifications #indielog
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fix notifications #screentimebattle
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Add notification 🔔page to show any unread messages #indielog
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clear notification when clicked #prototypr
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Notification when form is submitted #noteback
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make separate post vote notify endpoint #hapramp
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add notifications #discove
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add notifications #appointmentsuite
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add notifications #wip
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