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add notifications page in user account
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new notification page #indielog
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Add notifications page for #indielog user can mark one as read or mark all ✌️
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implement unread message alert to #prose
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add notifications #discove
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add notifications #appointmentsuite
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add notifications #wip
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add notifications #readersdiary
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include a notification page to the frontend
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include a notification page to the frontend
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add notifications to #makerwidget
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Add notification for new comments #lucidbot
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Create page for notifications #request
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Mark notifications as read #auralite
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new badge for unread notification
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Work on the notification page #request
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added read section for notifications #indielog
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See unread notification badge work 👌 #wip
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add notification to dashboard view #botreach
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show unread notifications count in title #wip
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