Similar todos
Reading up and research on PHP auth - trying to find a simple, lightweight, framework-agnostic and database-agnostic library that's in between hashing/salting my own auth, or PHP_USER_AUTH vs overkill like Auth0. Maybe this (or something like this)? - #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Some good progress today learning how to build a PHP REST API app.. got the 2 api endpoints working - Indian programmers on YouTube are so underrated -… #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Completed PHP REST API tutorial! 🥳 Built CRUD api endpoints, but no auth yet -… #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Internet research and asking best way to build REST API app using PHP -… #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Add API authentication
Signed up for Anthropic API access #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Go: Bought "Let's Go Further" b/c it has a section on authentication for API backends; read that section; notice he has the code in his project set up differently than mine; rearrange my project directory structure to match the book's recommendation; spent some time looking at how he does authentication in the book; decided that I should maybe instead try to follow the Huma guide to doing OAuth 2.0:
figure out how to secure public API #dashful
add user authentication on api calls
set up auth on API #chamados
Signed up for OpenAI API access #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Figure out authentication API-side #terapiabox
Read up on auth implementation
add api user authentication logic
FINALLY! Debugged custom domain connection to my php api app 🤜💥🐞💥🤛 It's always the little things that take the most time, not even the code itself #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Got an auth-protected API route working
identify and secure all necessary api calls with auth:api
Connect API to front-end for auth
Realized why PHP is better than JavaScript for APIs. #life…
basic api access done